Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Greetings from the Other Half!

Hello everyone! I am going to be referred to as J, the other half of this lovely blog me and H are starting. Just to inform everybody, H is my closest friend at heart, but unfortunately in distance it's quite the opposite. We decided to throw a blog together to strengthen our bond and hopefully entertain some people. Not exactly sure where this is going, but I assume it will be quite interesting. Enjoy ;)
I am sixteen year old girl who enjoys kissing boys. I am a cheerleader as well, for high school and all stars. Going into my junior year, one of my biggest priorities is academics. I very recently picked up a job as a barista, and I love every second of it. Or at least the past two days I've been working. I live near the ocean and live for the summer time. I love to dress well and smell good.


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