Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy Halloween Kiddos!

It's that time of year again kiddos! When fall starts to fall into place and you can feel the holiday season rapidly approaching. Tons of celebration! Yay! What better way to get in the spirit than a Halloween party! That's right: costumes, bonfires, and good times! Below I've included some cool pics from this past weekend's festivities. I dressed up as a classic Audrey Hepburn, although no one at the party recognized my Breakfast at Tiffany's iconic look or even had any idea who Audrey was! It's really a shame. It's like I spent an hour on my hair for nothing! I got a ton of compliments though, and if people ask me if I'm a super model I'm not going to complain about it!
On another note, sorry for the lack of posts. Things have been super crazy with transitioning into junior year and cheerleading and all. I barely have time to breathe anymore! But I promise that this blog will be getting a lot more love from Hadley and I from now on. 
Xoxoxoxoxox, Jamie

My future NFL player of a husband!

The Birthday Boy!

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